Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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261 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "Phone"
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
' the following pertain to being supported by
' VBOFCollection, VBOFObjectManager and
' VBOFEventManager
Public ObjectID As Long
Public ObjectChanged As Long
Public ObjectAdded As Long
Public ObjectDeleted As Long
Public ObjectParentCount As Long
Public ObjectManager As VBOFObjectManager
' the following code pertains to the business
' of the Phone object
Private pvtPhoneNumber As String
Private pvtUsage As String
Public Function ObjectSortCompare(Optional SortField As Variant, Optional SortOrder As Variant, Optional CompareObject As Variant) As Long
' Support the Collection.Sort method
' Note: use the ObjectManager.ObjectSortCompare
' method for assistance
Select Case SortField
Case "PhoneNumber"
ObjectSortCompare = _
ObjectManager.ObjectSortCompare( _
Value1:=PhoneNumber, _
Value2:=CompareObject.PhoneNumber, _
Case "FormattedPhoneNumber"
ObjectSortCompare = _
ObjectManager.ObjectSortCompare( _
Value1:=FormattedPhoneNumber, _
Value2:=CompareObject.FormattedPhoneNumber, _
Case "Usage"
ObjectSortCompare = _
ObjectManager.ObjectSortCompare( _
Value1:=Usage, _
Value2:=CompareObject.Usage, _
End Select
End Function
Public Function ObjectDBGridUnboundReadData(Optional DBGrid As Variant, Optional RowBuf As Variant, Optional RowNumber As Variant) As Boolean
' Populate the DBGrid RowBuf with values from
' variables within this object
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
' Parameter Description:
' DBGrid:= the DBGrid which is being
' populated
' RowBuf:= the current DBGrid RowBuf object
' RowNumber:= the row number being processed
Dim I As Long
For I = 0 To RowBuf.ColumnCount - 1
Select Case RowBuf.ColumnName(I)
Case "PhoneNumber"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = PhoneNumber
Case "Usage"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = Usage
Case "ObjectID"
RowBuf.Value(RowNumber, I) = ObjectID
End Select
Next I
End Function
Public Function ObjectDBGridUnboundAddData(Optional DBGrid As Variant, Optional RowBuf As Variant, Optional NewRowBookmark As Variant) As Boolean
' Populate the object variables with the values
' provided by the user in the new row of the
' DBGrid
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
' Parameter Description:
' DBGrid:= the DBGrid which is being
' populated
' RowBuf:= the current DBGrid RowBuf object
' NewRowBookmark:= the row number being processed
Dim I As Long
For I = 0 To RowBuf.ColumnCount - 1
If Not IsNull(RowBuf.Value(0, I)) Then
Select Case RowBuf.ColumnName(I)
Case "PhoneNumber"
PhoneNumber = RowBuf.Value(0, I)
Case "Usage"
Usage = RowBuf.Value(0, I)
' Note: Do not initialize the ObjectID.
End Select
End If
Next I
' return "OK" status
ObjectDBGridUnboundAddData = True
End Function
Public Function ObjectListBoxValue() As String
' Return a String will represent this object
' in a ListBox
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
ObjectListBoxValue = _
End Function
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If Not ObjectManager Is Nothing Then
ObjectManager.TerminateObject _
End If
End Sub
Public Function ObjectHasChanged()
' Mark this object as "Changed" and trigger the
' "Changed" event
ObjectChanged = True
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
If Not ObjectManager Is Nothing Then
ObjectManager. _
TriggerObjectEvent _
Event:="Changed", _
End If
#End If
End Function
Public Function FormattedPhoneNumber() As String
' Return a displayable, fully formatted
' version of Me
If Len(PhoneNumber) <= 7 Then
FormattedPhoneNumber = Format$(PhoneNumber, "000-0000")
ElseIf Len(PhoneNumber) <= 10 Then
FormattedPhoneNumber = Format$(PhoneNumber, "(000) 000-0000")
ElseIf Len(PhoneNumber) = 11 Then
FormattedPhoneNumber = Format$(PhoneNumber, "0 (000) 000-0000")
FormattedPhoneNumber = PhoneNumber
End If
End Function
Public Function ObjectInitializeFromRecordSet(Optional RecordSet As Variant) As Phone
' Populate my variables from the RecordSet
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
On Local Error Resume Next
PhoneNumber = RecordSet("PhoneNumber")
Usage = RecordSet("Usage")
ObjectID = RecordSet("ObjectID")
Set ObjectInitializeFromRecordSet = Me
End Function
Public Function ObjectInitializeRecordSet(Optional RecordSet As Variant) As Long
' Populate the RecordSet with my variables.
' Do not initialize the ObjectID column.
' Return any error code encountered.
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
On Local Error GoTo InitializeRecordSet_SetError
Err = 0
RecordSet("PhoneNumber") = PhoneNumber
RecordSet("Usage") = Usage
' Note: Do not initialize the ObjectID column.
GoTo InitializeRecordSet_SetError
ObjectInitializeRecordSet = Err
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function ObjectNewInstanceOfMyClass() As Phone
' Return a new instance of this class
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
Set ObjectNewInstanceOfMyClass = New Phone
End Function
Public Function ObjectEventCallBack(Optional Event As Variant, Optional Object As Variant) As Long
' Receive the Trigger notification and process
' accordingly
' Parameters:
' Event
' a string which identifies the Event
' Example: "Changed", "Created", "Deleted"
' Object
' the object originating the Event.
' responds to:
' TypeName(TriggerObject)
' TriggerObject.ObjectID
' (supported by VBOFEventManager)
End Function
Public Function ObjectDataSource() As String
' Return the Data Source with which this Class is associated
' (in support of VBOFCollection)
ObjectDataSource = "Phones"
End Function
Public Property Get PhoneNumber() As String
PhoneNumber = pvtPhoneNumber
End Property
Public Property Let PhoneNumber(aString As String)
pvtPhoneNumber = aString
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property
Public Property Get Usage() As String
Usage = pvtUsage
End Property
Public Property Let Usage(aString As String)
pvtUsage = aString
' ObjectHasChanged
End Property